
Showing posts from 2020

Dah habis Asasi? Pertama kali buat PUISI SENDIRI !

Assalamualaikum and hai guys!! Dah lama tak masuk blog ni utk menulis nukilan hati yang kian sepi. eh tiber. Harini just nak update je kehidupan aku which is aku dah habis asasi gais!! kno kno habis dah asasi. rasa macam semalam baru ambil result spm. Alhamdulillah aku berjaya tempuhi satu lagi fasa hidup. Lepasni fasa degree pulak and seterusnya fasa kerja then... kahwin! eh! Alhamdulillah ala kulli hal walaupun pembelajaran semua secara virtual, tapi we did it. Memang pasti lah kesukaran yg dihadapi double triple bila virtual learning tanpa lecturer, kawan-kawan and environment ni kan. Rasa nak study pun haihla tak semangat sangat. If tak faham pun, hanya mampu call and chat je untuk tanya kawan-kawan. Memang agak mencabar la bagi aku. Tapi takpe, semua ni untuk kebaikan kita semua jugak kan. Covid-19 pun alhamdulillah dah beransur pulih. Tapi tu la jangan leka je. Bahaya. Sebut pasal covid-19 kan, u know whaaat, aku punya assignments mostly cerita pasal covid-19 weh! hahah!

REVIEW JUJUR | Watsons Treatment Wax (Hair mask)

Assalamualaikum. hai guys. Musim-musim PKP ni mesti most of u guys duduk rumah je kan. This is the best time and opportunity untuk sayangi diri sendiri dengan melakukan self-care day/ routine ye dak! Jadi harini I just wanna share with you guys one of the best product that I've been using lately for my haircare routine. Nanti inshaAllah I akan include link entry ni  dalam my separate entry khas for haircare routine I k. So haritu tengah belek belek internet, tiba-tiba nampak iklan watsons tengah sale weekend. I sejenis pantang tengok benda benda sale ni. Tengok tengok saja cuci mata tak beli pun takpe asal dapat puaskan hati hahah. Pastu gi la bukak Instagram, tiba-tiba Iman Qistina buat short watsons haul kat igstory dia. Ha sudaaah. Dia tunjuk apa yang dibeli and salah satunya ialah Watsons Treatment Wax. Maka I pun terbeli sama la (dasar mudah terpengaruh :( ) sebab Iman Qistina kata siapa tak beli nanti dia cekikk heeeeek. takod. I bought Watsons Treatment Wax sebab Ima

New year resolutions 2020.

Hai and assalamualaikum guys! Since we have entered new year, so the cliche thingy "new year new me" also begins. Without further do, let's get into my new year resolutions for this year! Honestly im super excited to tell you guys! 1) I want to keep healthy and lose some weight! trying to make a point that when we keep ourself healthy, we are more confident and will appreciate ourself more (self-love awh). It's super duper relaxing if we can also add some walk&exercise in our lifestyle! I did it during sem 2 walllah and it changed me alot  seriously! It also boost my immune system which i didn't get sick during that time alhamdulillah. 2) I want to get dean's list (if ada rezeki, i want to end my cfs life with cgpa 3.8 amiin) since sem 2 is finally done, and the result has not come out yet, i hope for nothing but the best for me insyaAllah. My sem 1 result wasn't that bad but im quiet sad because i got 3.48 which is 0.02 less of the requirem