New year resolutions 2020.

Hai and assalamualaikum guys!

Since we have entered new year, so the cliche thingy "new year new me" also begins. Without further do, let's get into my new year resolutions for this year! Honestly im super excited to tell you guys!

1) I want to keep healthy and lose some weight!

trying to make a point that when we keep ourself healthy, we are more confident and will appreciate ourself more (self-love awh). It's super duper relaxing if we can also add some walk&exercise in our lifestyle! I did it during sem 2 walllah and it changed me alot  seriously! It also boost my immune system which i didn't get sick during that time alhamdulillah.

2) I want to get dean's list (if ada rezeki, i want to end my cfs life with cgpa 3.8 amiin)

since sem 2 is finally done, and the result has not come out yet, i hope for nothing but the best for me insyaAllah. My sem 1 result wasn't that bad but im quiet sad because i got 3.48 which is 0.02 less of the requirement to get dean's list :'). But it's okay, Allah knows well. I hope my sem 2&3 (which is this year) results will give me  some healing energy before im entering my degree life amin. :) Do pray for me guys <3

3) Keep organized.

Stay organize is actually a way to make myself relax. There are so many ways to stay organize but for me, i want to visualise and put to actions. No more wasting time and create a real schedule for my own time. In order to do that i bought teme's planner and i hope i will use it effectively.

 Setting such lofty goals sometimes will help me to expand my own abilities----- and keep me stay on track. And that's it! That are my goals for 2020.  Thankyou for spending your time reading this xx. 
